Simple pasta recipe

Simple pasta recipe

Simple pasta recipe

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Macaroni is a type of pasta that, as you probably know, belongs to Italy. Macaroni is very popular among the people of the world and therefore is one of the most consumed foods globally. This simple and delicious food is also trendy in our beloved country of Iran. Still, the interesting thing about pasta among Iranians is that the bottom of the pasta pot (potato pot bottom) is more popular than the pasta itself. To see the complete tutorial and step-by-step how to prepare simple pasta, follow the oumrecipes training site.

Ingredients for 4 people

1 pack of pasta

1 onion

200 grams of minced meat

Black pepper, thyme, and salt as needed

Turmeric and pasta spices in the required amount

Tomato paste 1 tbsp

Mushrooms a few optional

Simple pasta recipe

first stage

First, fill a suitable pot halfway with water and put it on high heat to boil to prepare a delicious pasta. In the meantime, we can prepare the pasta sauce to not delay when rinsing the pasta.

second stage

To prepare the pasta sauce, chop the onion into small pieces, place a suitable pan on heat, and add some oil to the pan. After the oil is hot, add the chopped onion to the pan.

third level

Once the onion is light and glassy, ​​add the minced meat to the pan and fry until the meat changes color. Then add some turmeric, salt, black pepper, pasta, and thyme and mix a little.

The fourth step

After the spices are mixed with the other ingredients, we wash the mushrooms, chop them into thin slices or jewels and add them to the pan. Now fry the mushrooms well so that the excess water is drawn out and they are lightly fried.

Step Five

In the end, open the middle of the pan and add the tomato paste. Tomato paste has a great effect on the color of pasta and therefore should be fried well. After frying the tomato paste, mix it well with other ingredients.

Step Six

Once the pasta sauce is ready, set it aside from the heat. After the water in the pot reaches boiling point, add 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of turmeric, and 1 tablespoon of liquid oil to the boiling water.

Step 7

At this stage, the pasta is healthy, or cut in half and put in boiling water to soften. It takes about 5 to 7 minutes for the pasta to soften. After this time, rinse the pasta.

Step eight

At this stage, pour a little oil from the bottom of the pot intended to cook pasta. Now put the other bottom in the pot. For the bottom of the pasta pot to your liking, we can use lavash bread or sliced ​​potatoes.

Step IX

Now pour some pasta on the bottom of the pot to cover it, then add some pasta sauce. In the same way, pour the pasta and its sauce layer by layer into the pot until the ingredients are finished. Then close the pot indoor B.

Step Ten

Now place a flame spreader on a gentle heat and place the pot on the flame spreader so that the bottom of the pasta pot does not burn. It takes about 45 minutes to cook pasta. Finally, combine the pasta with the sauce in the pot, then serve.

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